Tuesday, December 05, 2006

THIS MONTH'S RANT: In the UK Big Brother has truly arrived. Someone should count the sheer number of oppressive rules, regulations, taxes, surveillance techniques and control freakery that is being imposed on the people who 'never shall be slaves'. Check out the Bilderberger Society where the 'New World Order' is being plotted. Britons are fleeing the country and 'illegals' are pouring in on forged passports to do all the jobs the Brits don't want and learn to binge drink. I am not sure what multiculturalism is, except for those who sit around in 'ism' meetings. We are human beings - we don't need any more 'isms'. No go areas are now a reality; integration a quango's pipe dream and the true nature of our 'spirituality' lost in translation. Even the word has lost its real meaning, as has 'God', 'destiny', 'faith' and 'reality'. We are truly in the Sanskrit days of Kali Yuga.

Employers are terrified to put up tinsel and decorations at Christmas (or even call it Christmas) in case they upset non-Christians. Pathetic! No sign of Divali (wonderful event) being emasculated or Hannukah or any other festival. Whatever you believe, the time is coming when another kind of new order will begin.

Read my next blog about the nature of 'angels' and 'the second coming'.

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